Trusted Hearing Aid Centers In Jaipur
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Get in touch with the best audiologist in Jaipur, Rajasthan. You can call now or fill up the consultation form to book an appointment. This will be your first step toward improving your hearing. We will help you understand what type of hearing loss you have & depending upon that will suggest you best possible treatment.

Hearing Aids In Jaipur For Hearing Loss
The noise pollution in the city has reached an alarming proportion that even silent zones have a higher decibel level. Much of the blame rests on city residents who are contemplating laws for their own convenience.
According to the statistics, silence areas which need to have less than 50 dB noise, go as high as 67.7 dB on a regular day. It rises up to 72 dB, which is 24% higher than the maximum prescribed limit. People during Diwali face the difficulty in hearing due to acoustic trauma caused by the loud sound of crackers. Some has suffered from sensorineural hearing loss. Now it is difficult for them to recover. Exposure to a sudden single sound of more than 140 dB causes damages to eardrums if it damages the cochlear.
Several reports have estimated that almost 6% of Indians suffer from hearing loss. It also says that continuous exposure of noise above 60 dB is harmful not only for hearing but also causes serious health problems like deafness, sleep disorders, etc.
Jaipur is quickly progressing towards becoming a noisy city. So if you or anyone near you experience any sign of hearing impairment, you can contact us at +91-9327901950 or have treated tested.
How HearingSol Can Help?
HearingSol believes there is no better feeling than having the opportunity to improve the lives of individuals living with a hearing impairment. Our team tries to give effective treatment to bring possible outcomes in your health.
We are confident that here you will find a suitable hearing aid brand. The mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of those with hearing loss.
Range of Hearing Aids In Jaipur
Here, the price of hearing aids that are available in India are mainly categorized into three groups:
Basic Hearing aids –
These type costs from Rs.27,490 to Rs.36,990. It is best for those individuals who spend a lot of time at home this is because it only provides basic relief from hearing loss.
Mid-range Hearing aids –
These costs from Rs. 52,990 to Rs.1,29,990. They eliminate annoying background noise and speech is automatically recognized. A few devices playback TV or mobile phone sounds directly.
Premium Hearing aids –
They cost Rs 1,54,990. To Rs 2,74,990. It can provide you a crystal clear sound even in the worst to the worst hearing environment.
Here is a specific list of hearing machine and their functioning available in the market:
- BTE(Behind-The-Ear) – These are easily adjustable and thus connected to the custom earpiece place inside the ear canal through a clear plastic audible tube that sits behind your ears.
- In-the-Canal (ITC) – ITC hearing aids are larger than mini-canal hearing aids. These are designed to fit in the lower third of your external car.
- Invisible hearing aids (CIC & IIC) – These hearing aids are most suitable and designed specifically for moderate for mild hearing loss with the large ear canal.
- Receiver-in-canal (RIC) – The RIC’s receiver is located outside the housing and positioned at the end of a thin wire, placed near the eardrum. So, it requires less energy sound.
- CROS Hearing aids – Contralateral Routing Of Signals system routes the sound coming from the side of the deaf to the standard ear.
- Bluetooth Hearing aids – The biggest benefit of having Bluetooth is that it makes possible for audio to connect with a phone and sent direct user ear. There are many accessories which compatible hearing aid like TV unit, remote control, microphone etc.
Best Brands, & Supplier of Hearing Aids In Jaipur
- Widex
- Phonak
- Starkey
- Siemens
- Elkon
- ReSound
- Oticon
- Unitron
- Bernafon
- Rexton
- Audio Service
- Hansaton
- Audibel
- Beltone
- Liberty
- Miracle-Ear
- NuEar
- Axon
- Amplifon
- Alps
- Embrace Hearing
- Audifon
- Sonic
- AM
How To See An Expert?
Come to our HearingSol Clinic, We recommend the most suitable hearing aid for your hearing loss and budget. And encourage patients to take care of their hearing and understand the fact about hearing loss. A hearing disorder can affect a person’s lifestyle. Before buying a hearing aid you should firstly concern with our audiologist. They will provide you a better suggestion.
If you need help or advice related to any hearing problem, discover or browse our Website. Or visit HearingSol in Delhi NCR or dial our toll-free number +91-9327901950 today.