कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

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Can you wear headphones with hearing aids?

As the advancement in technology, there is an advancement in hearing aid innovation. A large number of individuals with hearing loss can hear their most loved music and appreciate communicating with their most loved individuals. There is one advantage of this new innovation. It manages with other electronic gadgets, for example, cell phones and TVs. However, in the case of hearing aids with headphones right combination difficult to find.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Hearing Aid or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

Wearing hearing aids and headphone at the same time is possible but it depends on two factors:-

  • Type of your hearing aids.
  • Which type of headphone you prefer.

The best hearing aid to wear with headphones is:

For ITE hearing aids users

(IIC) listening devices and  (CIC) portable amplifiers are the most minor portable hearing assistance available. Their capacity to fit inside the ear canal making them more tactful than different models. These gadgets0 are typically for those with mild or moderate hearing loss.

(ITC) listening devices sit in the lower part of the external ear bowl, which makes them comfortable and simple to utilize. Since they are marginally bigger than IIC and CIC portable amplifiers.

For BTE hearing aids users

The individuals who wear BTE or Receiver-in-the-canal (RIC) gadgets may discover over-the-ear headphones the best alternative.

When utilizing earphones with these hearing gadgets. Pick a model which fits totally over the hearing aids receiver, which is situated outside the ear canal and behind the ear.

The hearing aid will get outer sound rather than the sound of headphone if it does not completely fit. You may need to attempt a couple of models to locate the correct fit. The key is to ensure the earphone speakers are situated sufficiently far from the portable hearing assistant microphones. So that there will be no issues with sound input.

Types of Headphones that you can wear with hearing aids

If you can use these type of hearing aid then you can wear headphones with hearing aid. But some hearing aid have Bluetooth connectivity. So that it depends on you what you want. Below are some hearing aid suggested by audiology experts;

Bone Conduction Headphone

These type of headphone allows us to hear sound through the vibration of the bone of your face (Jawbones and Cheekbones). This means sound waves are bypassing through the outer and middle ear (where the eardrum is located) and directly reaches to the inner ear. This type of headphone is best for in-the-ear (ITE), in-the-canal (ITC), Completely-in-canal (CIC), invisible-in-the-canal (IIC).

Names of some bone headphones are:

  • AfterShokz TREKZ titanium open ear Bluetooth headphone.
  • AfterShokz AS500 Bluez 2 open ear wireless headphone.
  • Sain Sonic wireless bone conduction headset.

On-Ear Headphones

For ITE hearing aids you can use this type of headphones because it is the round opening in the center of the headphone sits right over the hearing aids allowing the hearing aids to pick up the music through the microphone. It is best for IIC or extended hearing aids because hearing aid is seated deep in the ear canal.

Name of the On-Ear Headphones

  • Sentey Headphones.
  • Bose SoundTrue Headphone On-ear style.
  • Sennheiser RS120 on-ear wireless RF headphone.

Over-Ear Headphones

Many people get confused between the in-ear headphone and over-ear headphone but both are totally different. In-ear headphone sits on the ear, while over-ear headphone sits over the hearing aid. This type of headphone is suitable for in-the-ear(ITE), in-the-canal(ITC), Completely-in-canal(CIC), invisible-in-the-canal (IIC). It is also used with behind-the-ear(BTE) and receiver-in-canal(RIC).

Name of some over-ear headphones

  • Sony MDRRF985RK Wireless RF Headphone.
  • Sennheiser HD 280 pro headphone.

And there are many more. So you can listen to music through headphone while wearing hearing aids.

Few More Things You Should Know About Wearing Headphones With Hearing Aids

Most of the people have a myth that wearing headphones causes hearing loss.

Unfortunately, it is partially true.

Yes, headphones can cause hearing loss… but if you use them properly they will not

  • You should turn the music down while using a hearing aid with headphones as the sound will be amplified.
  • If you push your headphone on the hearing aid, then after some time you may hear the whistling sound from your hearing aid. This is the indication that you have not placed your headphones properly.
  • You should primarily use noise isolating or canceling headphones.
  • If you are listening to the music for an extended period of time your aim should be lower than 85db.

Music With Hearing Aids

Wireless Hearing Aids

Hearing aid technology is changing a lot. So hearing aids are no more exception. Hearing facilitates you with everything which you need in your daily life.

Hearing devices not only amplifies the sound. Instead, they can be connected with a wide range of external devices like TV or music player and even your mobile phones.

These devices help you to do your daily based activities without headphones.

Bluetooth Hearing Aids

A large number of a wireless hearing aid are able to pair with the nearest Bluetooth device. A Bluetooth hearing aid available can connect to iPhone devices.

Some Benefits of steaming with Bluetooth are as follows:

  • Remote control of hearing aid.
  • Multiple connections can be made.
  • Listening experienced is personalized.

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