कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

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अभी खुद को रजिस्टर करे या Toll-Free Number +91-9327901950 डायल करें। ऑफर सीमित समय तक…

What is the Difference Between Programmable vs Digital Hearing Aids?

Just a decade ago, modern hearing aid technology is very difficult from what was in use even. Scientists have proven that the human ear is not designed to naturally hear sounds that are of a low or high pitch.

Generally, there are two types of hearing aid available are analog and digital. However, the Analog hearing aid is also known as the programmable. The analog hearing aid that is advanced version is now available.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Hearing Aid or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

Comparison between Programmable vs Digital Hearing Aids

Analog hearing aids

Analog hearing aids work in a similar way to a microphone hooked up to a speaker. It gathers the sound from the surrounding and analyzes it and as a result, the sound heard at a louder volume. It cannot distinguish between multiple sounds.

This hearing aids picks up outside sound, amplifies it, and outputs the same sound at a louder volume. An analog hearing aid is not able to separate foreground and background noise or isolate certain types of sound. It amplifies all sound equally.

However, many analog hearing aids are still programmable, and even offer multiple listening modes for different environments. In analog hearing aids sound isn’t digitally processed. Therefore some people think analog hearing aids sound “warmer”.


  • They are cheaper than digital hearing aids.
  • Huge battery life.
  • They are easy to set up.

How to program portable amplifiers?

Audiologists can program the hearing aids of most of the hearing aid clients.

At the point when audiologist does programming, they connect hearing aids to PC. After that, they make some inquiry to you about how they are performing. As per your answer, they change the programming of the portable amplifiers with the assistance of PC programming.

Some audiologist utilizes particular gear for programming and some utilize special software.

We are in the 21st century where science is excessively exceptional. With the advancement in technology, we can likewise program listening device at home with some learning of programming.

However, On youtube, there is an excessive number of instructional exercises and video which can help you in programming. Self-writing computer programs is an extraordinary thought.

Digital Hearing Aid

Digital hearing aids work by passing sound through Digital Signal Processor (DSP). It is a tiny computer microprocessor chip which helps in processing and analyzing multiple sounds. However, Digital hearing aids have many advanced capabilities and benefits that are not possible with analog technology.

If we considered analog hearing aid is like a microphone and a speaker then a digital hearing aid is more like a computer. However, It still takes in and puts out the sound, but in between, it can do some amazing things. It can amplify or eliminate frequencies and noise patterns and even shift sounds to more comfortable ranges. It can also interact with computers, phones, and many other devices.


  • Multiple channels are available to distinguish between multiple sounds.
  • Adjustable and reliable.
  • Smaller and lightweight as compared to analog hearing aids.
  • Detect automatically the best sound.

Features of Digital Hearing Aids


The different channel speaks to the number of discrete areas. It is utilized for handling distinctive pieces of the approaching sound signal. So many channels provide flexibility to the hearing aids. With multiple channels, it is easy to grab sounds from multiple directions.

Directional microphone

A directional microphone is structured so as to give a lift to sounds originating from the source. The source is in front of the wearer. Directional microphone improves the quality of sound with respect to background noise.

Impulse Noise Decrease

Impulse noise decrease works for a similar reason as digital noise decrease. This framework identifies any transient loud noises.

Feedback System

The feedback system controls the unavoidable input. for example, the whistling sound happens when there is an issue. This input administration framework reduces this issue when happens in the portable amplifier. Such a component is inbuilt in advance digital hearing aids.

FM similarity

FM abbreviated as frequency modulation. This feature is compatible with your hearing aids. This feature of a portable amplifier is very important for your kid. Because of this FM feature, your kid can easily listen to the sound of the educator.

Components of Hearing Aids

Microphone: It receives the sounds waves from the air and converts them into electrical signals. Basically, there are two types of microphones:

Directional: Directional microphones receives the signal from the person standing in front of the person who is wearing them.

Omnidirectional: The name is Omnidirectional because omnidirectional microphones receive the signal from all the directions.

Nowadays, most of the hearing aids came up with both mics features i.e. directional and omnidirectional.

Amplifier: The signal received from the microphone goes to the amplifier which increases the power of a signal.

Receiver: Generally, It converts the digital signal into vibration. This passes through the inner ear to the brain. Some of the hearing aids are directly set into a particular position in the ear canal. Some others set nearby a small tube by which it connects and inserted into the ear.

Battery: Battery provides the power to the hearing machine.

Types of Hearing aids

There are different types of hearing aids available

  • BTE – Abbreviated as Behind-The-Ear. Recommended for moderate to severe hearing loss.
  • RIC – Abbreviated as Receiver-In-Canal. RICs can be quickly and easily adjusted and provide a high degree of wearing comfort, discretion, and appropriate amplification.
  • CIC – Abbreviated as Completely-In-Canal.  However, they are designed and sculptured to fit almost entirely inside your ear.
  • IIC – Abbreviated as Invisible-In-The-Canal. It is invisible because it is the tiniest form of hearing aids that fit very deeply in the ear canal.

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