Tinnitus cure
Tinnitus is often called ringing in the ears that causes damage and loss of the tiny sensory hair cells of the inner ear. It may also sound like ringing, buzz, hissing, chirping, whistling, or other sounds. This noise in ear basically come from inside your body, rather than from an outside source. Although you are the only individual one who can hear the noise it is not a result of your imagination. Most of the cases it comes on gradually as a old age and causes depression or anxiety. The most common cause is noise-induced hearing loss and other is an ear infection, medication, disease, brain tumours, emotional stress and many more.
Tinnitus is associated with hearing loss, but it does not cause deafness. In some case, people experience no hearing problem, while in some they feel sensitive sound like ringing in the ear. There is no particular cure of this disorder so people should aware of it symptoms and cause that can help ease, manage or block out the ringing-in-the-ears sensation.
Nearly 15% of the general public over 50 million Americans experience some form of tinnitus. It can be both an acute (temporary) condition or a chronic (ongoing) health. Some people may hear sounds like music or singing, and others hear noises that beat in time with their pulse (pulsatile tinnitus).
History of Tinnitus

Even if many people believe that tinnitus is just another disease of modern civilization, the disorder has actually been affecting people since ancient times. Descriptions of tinnitus were already found on Babylonian clay tablets, and the disorder was also known among the Sumerians and in Ancient Egypt. However, there were neither explanations nor remedies for the “singing” or “talking” ears of those times.
A link between hearing loss and tinnitus turned into reportedly set up for the primary time in historical India inside the Ayurveda technology. At approximately the same time in China, tinnitus changed into taken into consideration an effect of the disturbed interaction of Yin and Yang. In Greek-Roman Antiquity, people stricken by this defects have ascribed the faculty of hearing divine sounds – “cosmic tune” in line with Plato and Pythagoras – and were therefore fantastically regarded. It became best Hippocrates, the most famous doctor of his time (460 to 377 BC), who provided a greater differentiated approach with a category of symptoms.
Type of tinnitus
Although tinnitus is divided into several different part which subjective and objective is the most common.Your tinnitus will fall within one of following categories:
Subjective Tinnitus :
This is most common one and heard by the person who experiences it and can be either temporary or chronic. It can have many possible causes, but most commonly it results from hearing loss. When the tinnitus is caused by disorders of the inner ear or auditory nerve it is called otic and when there is no connection seems between disorder of the inner ear or auditory nerve the tinnitus is called nonotic.
Objective Tinnitus :
This is one of the rarest types of tinnitus. It can be detected by the other person that may be caused by involuntary muscle contractions or vascular deformities. Spontaneous otoacoustic emissions (SOAEs) and tinnitus have SOAE-linked tinnitus and 4% cases were caused by SOAEs.
Neurological tinnitus :
Usually caused by a disorder, such as Meniere’s disease. 23% had neurologic problems primarily affects the brain’s auditory functions.
Somatic tinnitus:
This tinnitus is related to physical movement and touch. Usually, it is attributed to dental problems such as wisdom teeth tension in one’s jaw.
Tinnitus symptoms
Tinnitus involves ringing in the ear or fullness of the head such type of sensation when no outer sound is present. While ringing is the most common symptoms and another sound like buzzing, roaring, clicking or hissing sounds, the noise may be intermittent or continuous. But some experience, instead, a thumping sound in the same rhythm as their heartbeat.
The volume of the sound has variation they rise or fall irregularly. It is most noticeable at night or during periods of quiet. Tinnitus may be present all the time or may go intermittently. In many case, loud ringing in the ear affects with works or daily activities.

Causes of tinnitus
Subjective tinnitus is more common in which no sound is detectable by other. There are many people suffering from any type of tinnitus. It is important to find what actually cause ringing in the ear:
Age-related hearing loss:

At the older age or above age 50 hearing become worse. This form of hearing loss can be bilateral (in both ears) and involve the sensory loss of high-frequency sounds. Natural ageing hearing loss is called presbycusis, and it can be lead to tinnitus.
Ear and sinus infections:

You might notice tinnitus when you’ve had a cold. That could be due to an ear or sinus infection that affects your hearing and increases pressure in your sinuses. If that’s the cause, it shouldn’t last long. If it doesn’t get better after a week or so, see your doctor.
Noise-induced hearing loss:

Loud noise can damage auditory system and result in hearing loss and sometimes tinnitus as well. So being exposed to loud noise on a regular basis common cause of tinnitus. Noise-induced hearing loss typically causes lose hearing around the frequency of the triggering sound trauma.
Certain medicines:

Stronger medication dose means chance of problem. This includes aspirin, diuretics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, quinine-based medication, and certain antibiotics, antidepressants, and cancer drugs..So before taking any medication see you doctor.
Unhealthy habits or food:

Drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, eating certain foods and consuming caffeinated beverages can play a role in tinnitus.
Common disease:

Medical disease like anemia, allergies, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, circulatory problems, diabetes and an underactive thyroid gland can lead to tinnitus.
Tinnitus Cure & Treatment
Firstly doctor will give you a general physical exam to determine the causes. Remember to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking, because it can be a side effect of some drugs. There are many treatments for tinnitus that makes it easy to ignore ringing sounds. After tinnitus cure & treatment, if it still remains the same, then health professionals recommend various non-medical options that may help reduce.
Medications for Tinnitus
Doctor provide many medication for tinnitus treatment. Like treatment with low doses of anti-anxiety drugs — such as Valium or antidepressants or Elavil help reduce the ringing ear problem. Some small studies have shown that a hormone called misoprostol may be helpful in some cases. Lidocaine, is the medication for abnormal heart rhythms, has been shown to relieve tinnitus for some people.
Hearing Aids
Sometimes hearing loss people suffer from tinnitus so wearing hearing aid also provides a relief.
Tinnitus maskers
Many people have also benefited from tinnitus maskers. A tinnitus Masker is an electronic hearing aid device that generates pleasant than the internal noise produced by the tinnitus. It is basically designed to mask the presence of tinnitus.
Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)
Tinnitus retraining therapy is a therapy process that help people who suffering from tinnitus, a ringing, buzzing, hissing, or other sound in the ears when no external sound is present. It reflects the practical implementation of the neurophysiological model of tinnitus. People can also take tinnitus masking as TRT alternative, but TRT may be a more effective treatment than tinnitus masking. The two main components of these are educational counseling and sound therapy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , focus on tinnitus reaction, are among the best established and most effective treatments for tinnitus. It play the important role to assessment and management of tinnitus. The first step is to see a medical specialist called an otolaryngologist for evaluation. In this assessment audiologist will provide a hearing test to find the presence of any hearing loss associated with the tinnitus.
Dental Treatment
Some doctor say that tinnitus may be caused the high-pitched noise of dental drills or temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the area where jaw are closely connected to head and head is near to our ear.
Cochlear Implants
These device is mostly used for severe hearing loss and it is different from hearing aids. It help the people with tinnitus-related hearing loss that is significant. However, this surgery is not performed for tinnitus alone and is used only for hearing problems.
Alternative medicine
Some people try herbal preparations such as ginkgo biloba or minerals such as zinc or magnesium with varying results. Some home remedies can be used to suppress loud roaring noises, echoing, dull humming and other tinnitus symptoms.
Do I have tinnitus?
Firstly doctor will give you general physical exam to determine the causes of your tinnitus.Remember to inform your doctor of all medications you are taking, because tinnitus can be a side effect of some drugs. There are many treatment for tinnitus that make it easy to ignore ringing sounds. After treatment if tinnitus still remain the same, then health professionals recommend various non-medical options that may help reduce .

- Do you hear noise in the ear that people around you don’t?
- Do you take strong dose medications? More than 200 drugs can cause tinnitus so stop taking the drug without talking to a doctor.
- Do you have a cold or ear infection? ear and sinus infections can cause pressure to build up ear wax in your inner ear and that pressure can cause tinnitus.
- Do you get headaches? headaches come with pain and sensitivity, but these also linked with you ear problem which cause like fullness, muffled hearing, and tinnitus.
- Have you a any serious head injury? It can cause with nerves, blood flow, and muscles that lead tinnitus
- Have you any dental problem? sometime tinnitus cause by temporomandibular joint disorder.
- Are you under a lot of stress? Tension, anxiety, and depression can trigger tinnitus. Try relaxation therapy, hypnosis, yoga, or whatever works for you.
- Do you take more alcohol or unhealthy food? Excess caffeine or drink cause tinnitus.