Autism Therapies helps the autistic individual in reducing their difficulty and making them learn new skills and building their strength.When a child is diagnosed with autism then the question arise for parents is What treatment should they follow? It is very difficult for the parents to select one treatment or therapy because every child is different.
If you need any assistance or have a question about Autism therapies and supports, you can consult our HearingSol experts with your problem, feel free to call us on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
Autism is very complicated. It is very important that each person with autism be treated as a separate individual and any Autism Therapies given to them should be according to the individual’s specific needs. Many times the therapy or treatment demands lots of time and work from the families and sometimes it might not be possible for them because of their emotional, financial, or practical pressures on them.
Before choosing any therapy important features of your child development and growth to be kept in mind are:
- Communication skills
- Social interaction skills
- Imaginative play skills
- Academic skills
- Visual skills
An obvious informed approach that motivates and supports a child’s strength is proved to be the most trustworthy form of treatment.
How To Choose One In Autism Therapies?
Autism Therapies that claim a cure should be avoided. Autism can be improved by treatment or therapy but there is no complete cure in the world of autism. Therapy that claims to be suitable for every Autistic patient has to be avoided because the treatment which may help one may not help another.
There are several Autism Therapies and behavior therapy on one of them. It plays a crucial role in the overall treatment plan of an autistic individual. Behavior therapy focuses on individual behavior that helps to change unhealthy behavior. This therapy is both effective and safe.
Types Of Behavior Therapy:
Applied behavior therapy (ABA) – It has been around for over 50 years. It helps children in reaching their goals and determining their negative behavior. It breaks down the skills into different parts and then through repetition encourage learning. The goals will be made on the basis of observation because if the child is not taking interested in doing something like potty training or greeting then the therapist teaches that skill to your children. It will take 40 hours to a week of your child. It plays a major role in building social skills.
Relationship Development intervention – It is also called Floortime training. It helps in developing child focus on strength, communication skills, and strength that already exist. Therefore, it works best in older or young children because it involves a motivated child as the therapist catches natural movements to use as teaching movements. In this parents attend a workshop or watch 5 hours video on how to carry out the therapy and in turn, parents also submit videos with their children for better feedback from the therapist.
Sensory Integration therapy – It helps in improving child sensitivity to sensory stimuli like loud noise, touch, and bright light. It does not require a lot of time per session.
Verbal behavior therapy – It helps non-vocal children to help in communication. It produces a positive effect because without communication parents often see negative behavior in their children.
Cognitive behavior therapy – It is mostly recommended for less impaired children. It helps with concern common with autism-like anxious or fearful. It helps to regulate emotions in children and develop impulse control.
Autism Therapies For Adults
There is a various number of Autism Therapies for adults:
Assistive and Adaptive technology – Products or equipment are required to maintain or improve the functional capabilities of an individual with autism. It includes oxygen therapy, mobile devices, online communities, and robots, etc.
Augmentative and alternative communication – It is the form of communication that individuals use when they are not willing to use a standard form of communication like speech. It includes Picture Exchange communication, voice output communication aids, facilitated communication, and sign language.
Dietary interventions – In these dietary supplements like pill or capsule and special diets are given to an individual with autism.
Educational interventions – It aims to educate or develop an individual with autism.
Vocational interventions – They are activities that are specially designed to help an individual with autism to find or keep a job.
Medication – Special types of medications like anticonvulsants, antidepressants, and antipsychotics, etc are given to an autistic individual.
Motor-Sensory interventions – It involves any therapy which improves the motor functioning that is a movement of the whole body or certain part of the body. It includes auditory intervention training, colored filters, massage multi-sensory environments, etc.
Physiological interventions – It includes such Autism Therapies like Counselling and physiotherapy, Creative therapy (Art therapy).
Social Care Services – They are specially designed for people with autism. They are provided by local services, Non-profit organizations, or parents.
Standard Healthcare – It is specially designed for an autistic individual to maintain the health and well being of an individual with autism. It includes occupation therapy, osteopathy, psychotherapy, Speech, and language therapy.
Things To Consider
- Always record the meeting and conversation with the healthcare providers. These recordings might help in deciding which treatment to take.
- Always keep a record doctor’s evaluation and record.
- Always make contact with the local health-care department to learn about the special programs for autism.
- Always be in contact with school officials or a physician, who can help develop an intervention plan.
If you need any assistance or have a question about Autism therapies and supports, you can consult our HearingSol experts with your problem, feel free to call us on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.