How does hearing loss(Deafness) affect learning?

Hearing loss affects a person’s development and personality adversely. Hearing and learning both are connected. So, how hearing loss(Deafness) affect learning? Hearing loss poses a threat to speech and language development, communication and learning.

Hearing loss causes the delay in the development of speech and language, and those delays then lead to learning problems, often resulting in poor in school performance.

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Effects of hearing loss on learning

1. It causes delay your working and interactive communication skills.

2. It may reduce academic achievements.

3. Communication is affected adversely. Learning solely depends on communication. Thus poor communication leads to poor learning.

4. It may have an impact on your own choices.

5. Hearing loss may cause embarrassment.

6. Impact on vocational choices.

7. It may cause trouble in making friends

It causes a delay in the development of receptive and expressive communication skills (speech and language). Hearing loss, of course, it is a reason for poor academic achievements.

Speech Audiometry

Speech Audiometry is a hearing loss assessment tool which measures the degree of discomfort to speech stimuli.

Ear disability reduces ability in word recognition.

Learning difficulties due to hearing loss

Extensive Vocabulary

It becomes very difficult for hearing impaired children to face words like cat, crump, behave, and read more easily than abstract the words like before, later, equal to, and jealous. They also have difficulty with function words like a, an, are, and the.

Structure of the sentence

Children with hearing loss can’t understand the things easily. They prefer short and simple sentences as compared to that child who is able to hear.

This type of disabilities faces the difficulties to understand and learn the hard sentences, which is relative to clauses.

Deaf children cannot understand the words which are ending with ‘s’ or ‘es’.

Teaching Strategies

There is a series of inclusive learning strategies that can help all students to learn, but there are specific strategies that are useful in teaching a group in which students have the hearing loss:

  • Make sure that any background noise is minimized.
  • Repeat any questions asked by the students in the lecture or class before giving feedback.
  • Do not speak while facing the blackboard.
  • Ensure that the list of subject-hard words and technical terms that students will need to get will be made available instantly in the course.
  • To encourage students with a hearing impairment, place yourself in front of a lecture theater where they will have an unbounded line of sight. This is particularly important if the student is using an interpreter, lip-reading, depending on the visual clue or using a hearing aid which has a limited limitation.
  • Where to live remote captioning is provided, a transcript of the session can usually be evaluated within 24 hours. It is recommended that they are emailed directly to the student as an accurate record of reference.

The way of Speaking

Children with hearing loss cannot hear quiet speech sounds likes, sh,l,k. Therefore they do not include them in their speech. Thus, speech may be difficult to understand.

When the deaf children speak, then they may unable to hear their own voice. As a result, they speak too loudly as compared to a normal person. They may have a high speaking pitch. They may sound like they are mumbling because of the poor rate of speaking.

Hearing impaired person face difficulties in learning like how to communicate, because they cannot hear all the sounds around them or even their own voice.

Research has shown that children with a profound problem of hearing loss can learn how to speak. The sooner they are diagnosed and treated, the better they can perform. Without hearing assistance it can be very difficult for children who are born with a severe hearing problem to learn how to read, write and speak. Due to this, they might be missing favorite sounds.


The important thing that you can do is to have your child’s hearing test. Recent research shows that children identified with a hearing loss who begin services may be able to develop language. So with the initial help, your child may speak or use sign language along with children who hear. Consult to an audiologist, he/she can test your child’s hearing. They can talk to you about the best approach to treat your child’s hearing loss.

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