Auditory problems mostly appear because of aging but recently more and more people have this kind of problem no matter their age, sex, or race.
Luckily there are some foods & nutrients that can greatly improve deafness and prevent hearing loss. These natural foods boost your immunity and are part of the estimated average requirement (EAR) of your daily nutrition.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Improve Hearing or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.
Let’s have a look at the study & research of some foods which are proven helpful in hearing.
Research on Ear Health Vitamins
During 1984, European found research that some of the people who are going through a hearing loss problem have some little improvement when they were treated with Vitamin A and Vitamin E.
As per another research, when your body has a deficiency of Vitamin A, then it results in the decline of the number of sensory cells which generally found in the nose, tongue, as well as the inner ear.
Some more studies were done in 1993 which clarify the fact that Vitamin A can regenerate auditory hair cells in the mammal’s body. Furthermore, during 2009, research happened in Japan and it was found that a person with the highest blood serum in their body with Vitamin A has a lower risk of having hearing loss.
Lastly, in 2014, it was found by the researchers that a deficiency of Vitamin A during a pregnancy period, may move the offsprings into the malformation to the inner ear and the sensorineural hearing loss.
Foods that Improve Hearing

Hearing loss occurs when your ability of hearing becomes so less that it could affect your hearing speech. The cause of Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss is still suspicious. The Zinc or intravenous magnesium can improve your hearing impairments.
Tinnitus which is characterized by a chronic or non-chronic ringing in the ears is improved by folate (Vitamin B9). Chances of recovery of noise-induced hearing loss may be increased by the Astaxanthin.
Does Poor Nutrition in Early Childhood Could Lead to Hearing Loss?
For the growth and development of a child, they need to take a proper or balanced diet to maintain health, body weight, and also to minimize the risk of serious disease or health conditions.
So poor nutrition in early childhood lead hearing loss and also cause some other disease such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis.
In a recent study adult who takes poor nutrition in their childhood has twice the chance of suffering from hearing loss.
Food makes your hearing loss better or worse than the previous state, it depends on your eating habits. A mineral is a good source that keeps your hearing healthy.
Not only hearing, but overall health depends on the diet of an individual. Your life depends on what you eat. Consume a well-balanced diet to live a healthy and well-balanced life.
Consume junk and quality of life disappears like a bubble. A proper diet and a healthy life go hand in hand. Therefore, there is a strong relationship between the amount of food we have and the longevity of life.
It’s not about how much you eat, it’s about your caloric intake. This can be represented by a simple equation- Wanna live 10 years longer?
Consume 10% lesser calories daily. It will ultimately slow down your aging process which directly affects your hearing.
Nutrients like astaxanthin, vitamin A, folate, zinc, and magnesium are really helpful in improving hearing abilities. Hearing loss happens due to nutritional imbalances. An age-related hearing loss may be reversible.
Nutrients & Vitamins (Supplements) for Hearing Loss
Lack of nutrients can cause age-related hearing loss and other hearing disorders. As we all know that vitamin A is good for vision but we have to take care of our ears with the help of the various nutrients and foods that improve hearing. It is the fact that the lack of B12 can affect your ear in hearing loss.
There are various nutrients that act as hearing supplements as well as supplements for hearing loss. Some nutrients that are beneficial for your hearing:
1. Vitamin A
Deficiencies of Vitamin A are universal on a global scale. Lack of Vitamin A results in the reduction in the number of nerve cells in the nose, tongue, as well as in the ear.
Deficiency occurs due to poor diets, chronic diseases, and aging processes. It is said that pregnant women could not take too much vitamin A as this will cause fatal damage in itself. And the deficiency during the pregnancy may predispose to damage of the inner ear and hearing loss.
2. Folate and B- complex
Folate is a cure for people who were suffering from tinnitus. B-complex vitamin (vitamin B9) is very useful for age-related deafness with a high blood level of homocysteine.
It helps in regenerating the new growth of the cell in the body and also helps in the circulation of the body which gives the overall health of the hair cells in your ears.
It seems that it was difficult in converting folic acid into the bioactive form in the early days. This is because of the body that uses folic acid to metabolize homocysteine which reduces the circulation. You can find that in children the folic acid is easily converted.
The important thing is that if you are taking the Vitamin B supplement then make sure that it contains natural folate rather than synthetic folic acid.
The most common way to increase your folate level is to eat lots of raw, fresh, and green leafy vegetables. You can get your increasing folate level either by food or by folic supplements. Spinach, turnip greens, and broccoli are all good sources of folate.
Generally, Vitamin B level is to eat lots of contemporary, raw, and organic green leafy vegetables. Through this, you can obtain your B-complex vitamin from food instead of B supplements (folic acid). So, for vitamin B, it is biologically active by the type – L-5-MTHF. This is often the shape that’s ready to cross the blood-brain barrier.
3. Zinc
According to the research, Zinc is very useful in treating a sudden, unexplained loss of hearing loss which is also known as the sudden sensorineural hearing loss, which is only treated by the high dose steroids.
Zinc has anti-viral properties. It can also prevent cold viruses from replicating or attaching your nasal membranes. Zinc also has the properties of immune-boosting. It allows your body to mount a stronger first response at the onset of a viral infection.
It has the properties to heal the wounds of the body. Some studies also show that zinc is also responsible for the normal tinnitus hearing problem.
Foods rich in zinc include beef, pork and dark-meat chicken, cashews, almonds, peanuts, beans, split peas, lentils, oysters, and dark chocolate.
Try making homemade granola bars to get your fill of zinc. Nuts and dark chocolate work great as key ingredients, along with oats, popped quinoa, raisins, dried cranberries, and coconut flakes. Honey and nut butter work as well as binders.
Zinc is found in protein-rich food like oysters, beef, pork, cashews, almonds, peanuts, beans, dark-meat chicken, split peas, dark chocolate. Zinc can increase your ear resistance’s from the starting phase of the age-related hearing loss.
4. Magnesium
Magnesium is also responsible for improving the sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Research also shows that the person who was treated with magnesium like vitamin A, C, and E were protected from the noise-induced hearing loss.
According to a study, 48 percent of patients achieved recovery after receiving magnesium in combination with carbogen inhalation.
This is believed that it happens because the magnesium fights with the effects of the radicals emitted during the loud noises- it behaves like the barrier which protects for the soft hair cells found in the inner ear. Carbogen inhalation is a combination of carbon dioxide and oxygen gas.
It includes fruits and vegetables like banana, spinach, tomato, broccoli, etc. Lack of magnesium can shrink the blood vessels found inside the inner ear. So be sure of taking magnesium in the full needs of the body.
Some points that reduced the effectiveness of treatments :
- Vestibular Symptoms (Patients who had vertigo)
- Delaying treatment for more than eight days after onset.
5. Potassium
Potassium generally founds in bananas, potatoes, spinach, lima beans, tomatoes, raisins, apricots, melons, oranges, yogurt, and low-fat milk.
It is usually responsible for the control of the amount of fluid in the body, which is important for the hearing health problem.
As the fluid in the inner ear, that part which translates the sound into electrical impulses that brain interprets as the sound is very much dependent upon potassium.
In adults, the level automatically drops off, this is the reason that the adults are more suffering from the age-related hearing loss problem.
6. Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 usually founds in meat, eggs, poultry, dairy products, as well as other food available from the animals.
Those who have a lack of Vitamin B12 are at high risk as they can affect your body balance with many other things.
This is usually for those patients who are suffering from tinnitus and balance disorder.
7. Omega 3
Recently research has proved that having this mineral can reduce the effect of the age-related hearing loss problem.
It mainly found in fish such as trout, sardines, salmon, and tuna, walnuts, flax, and chia seeds. All this is very helpful in hearing loss problems.
It is shown that women who eat fish regularly have less risk of having a hearing loss problem. Scientists found that the main thing is that the Omega 3 fats strengthen the blood vessels in the ear’s sensory system.
Omega 3 is also helpful for brain functioning i.e. by transmitting signals between brain and ears more effectively.
The main reason behind this claim is that Omega 3 fat is responsible to strengthen the blood vessels in the ear’s sensory system.
Therefore, fish is our ear’s friend, so stash upon it. Some more food for omega 3 supply, krill oil, soybean oil, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, walnuts, coconut oil, olive oil, purslane, and sacha inchi oil.
8. Vitamin C, E, and Glutathione
Vitamin C and E act as hearing loss supplements that strengthen your overall immune system. It also reduces the risk of ear infections. The source is vegetables such as oranges and fruits such as bell peppers.
Whereas Vitamin C boosts the functioning of the immune system to resist ear infections. The source to fulfill the need for Vitamin C, E includes vegetables (such as bell pepper, broccoli) and fruits (such as oranges, kiwi, papaya).
For vitamin C, consume citrus fruits, fresh herbs, strawberries, and guavas. For vitamin E, consume sunflower seeds, mango, olive oil, leafy greens, and almonds.
9. Alpha Lipoic Acid
It is an enzyme facilitator as well as an antioxidant. They are created in our bodies in small amounts and the same as the food we eat. It protects hearing by working against free radical damage while supporting nerve system functioning.
It helps in the generation of mitochondria in the hair cells of our inner ear. The requirement of Alpha Lipoic Acid can be fulfilled by consuming broccoli, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
Gene Therapy for Hearing Loss
1. Restored Hearing in Mice by increasing NT3 production
NT3 is a source of communication that occurs between your ears and your brain. NT3 helps establish a questionable ribbon point that links the hair cells in your sense organ to nerve cells in your brain. Once you went to very loud noise, these ribbon synapses are damaged and can lead to hearing loss.
Normal aging may also injure your ribbon synapses, therefore NT3 could counteract traditional age-related deafness as well. To spice up the production of NT3, the researchers use conditional factor recombination. As explained by Medical News.
NT3 allows the scientists to activate the genes in particular cells that administrate a drug that causes the cells to read the extra copies of a gene that was inserted into them. For further studies, the team used the technique to activate more NT3 genes that have introduced to the supporting cells of the inner ear in mice that defends partially by a loud noise.
They then started to plan the drugs which are identified early known as tamoxifen. This started producing the same effect as the protein. It has the potential which restores the hearing loss in humans. The scientists found that the gene therapy technique which used in this study has the potential work in humans but a drug-based method would be simpler. A drug could be repeatedly administered for as long as it takes for hearing to be restored.
2. Astaxanthin Raises NT3 expression
While researchers are looking for a drug resolution to raise NT3. Astaxanthin, that is an element of the antioxidant family, is believed to be one in all the foremost potent antioxidants, nature has got to supply. It’s FAR harder than carotene, alpha-tocopherol, lycopene, and lutein, as an example, and exhibits terribly sturdy radical scavenging activity that protects your cells, organs as well as body tissues from aerobic injury. It is also a strong medicament and is in a position to cross each barrier and even the blood-retinal barrier.
3. Boosting BDNF may also improve your hearing
Earlier analysis has shown that, additionally to NT3, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in the development and survival of sense modality neurons in your brain. A 1996 study, found that loss of sense modality hair cells and sense modality neurons is prevented by therapies that boost either NT3 or BDNF. Interestingly, one lifestyle issue that naturally boosts BDNF is exercise. It’s intriguing to take a position on whether or not exercise might also facilitate stop hearing disorder through this mechanism.
How to Improve Hearing?
Moreover, people are suffered from hearing loss due to various causes like noise or genetic diseases or infectious diseases while the use of a large number of drugs as well as aging.
Half of the ways are avoided by most of the people, which later become the cause of noise-induced hearing loss problems.
Diet to Improve Hearing
The following recommendations can help protect your hearing and avoid hearing loss:
- Vegetable oils as they contain too many Omega 6 fatty acids.
- Margarine/Partially Hydrogenated Oils found mostly in processed foods
- High-fat meats, especially those treated with nitrates/nitrites (preservatives)
- Whole/2% milk – use a dairy substitute such as almond, rice, or coconut milk
- Cream cheese – replace with goat cheese or part-skim organic ricotta
- Processed cheeses, such as American – opt for organic/grass-fed hard cheese
- Sugar and artificial sweeteners – limit these or replace with Stevia, honey, or real maple syrup
- Refined carbohydrates – These include white bread, pasta, and any foods containing enriched flour, which means nutrients have been removed from the grain.
- Sodium – it is needed as in small quantities and the packaged foods contain a large amount of sodium.
Natural Ways to Improve Your Hearing
- Take a proper diet for the hearing loss
- Avoid noise environments
- Improve your blood circulation
- Use home remedies for deafness
- Remove earwax
- Take supplements to improve hearing
Tips for Ear Protection and to Improve Hearing
You may follow the below tips to improve your hearing. These are general tips which you should follow:
1. Turn the Volume Down
If you like to enjoy music through headphones or earbuds, you can protect your ears by following the 60:60 rule. The suggestion is to use headphones at no more than 60% volume for no more than 60 minutes a day.
2. Give Your Ears Time to Recover
If you have exposure to loud noises for a prolonged period of time, like at a concert or a bar, your ears need time to recover. If you can, step outside for five minutes often in order to let them rest. Researchers found that ears need an average of 16 hours of quiet to recover from one loud night out.
3. Stop Using Cotton Swabs in Your Ears
It’s common to use cotton swabs to clean the wax out of the ear canal, but this is definitely not advisable. A little bit of wax in the ears is not only normal but also important, to stop dust and other harmful particles from entering the canal. The ears are self-cleaning organs. So, inserting anything inside your ear canals risks damaging your eardrum.
4. Keep Your Ears Dry
Excess moisture allows bacteria to enter and attack the ear canal. This can cause swimmer’s ear or other types of ear infections.
This can be dangerous for your hearing ability. Be sure to dry your ears using a towel after bathing or swimming. If you still feel the water in the ear, tilt your head to the side and tug lightly on the earlobe to let the water out.
5. Get Up and Move
Cardio exercises like walking, running, or cycling gets the blood pumping to all body parts, including ears. This helps the internal parts of the ears stay healthy and functioning to their maximum potential.
6. Manage Stress Levels
Both Stress and anxiety have been linked to both temporary and permanent tinnitus. High-stress levels can cause your body to go into fight or flight mode.
This is an instinctual reaction that releases adrenaline into the body to help you either fight or flee from danger. This process puts more pressure on your nerves, blood flow, body heat, etc.
This pressure or stress can travel up into your inner ear and contribute to tinnitus symptoms. Smoking can also be a contributing factor for tinnitus symptoms.
7. Get Regular Check-Ups
Incorporate hearing screenings of a baby and your own into your regular checkups as hearing loss develops gradually. The recommendation is to have annual hearing consultations with a hearing healthcare professional.
That way, you’ll be more likely to recognize signs of hearing loss and take action as soon as you do. Taking action is important because untreated hearing loss, besides detracting from the quality of life and the relationship strength, has been linked to other health conditions like depression, dementia, and heart disease.
8. Use Earplugs Around Loud Noises
Clubs, concerts, chainsaws, are some of the reasons for you to shout, so the person with you can hear your voice.
Earplugs are convenient and easy to obtain.
Even custom-fitted earplugs are also available i.e. Musicians’ earplugs which have filters to allow a person to hear conversations and music, still, reducing harmful sound levels while maintaining the original sound quality as much as possible.
You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need any assistance or you have a query regarding Improve Hearing or Hearing Loss, feel free to call us at +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.