कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

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अगर ऐसा कुछ भी हो रहा है तो थोड़ी-सी भी लापरवाही आपको महंगी पड़ सकती है। आपका एक कान काम करना बंद कर सकता है या आप दोनों कानों से सुनने की क्षमता गंवा सकते हैं।

HearingSol एक विशेष अभियान के तहत लोगो की FREE कान की जांच और checkup कर रही है। यह जाँच अत्याधुनिक मशीनों से की जाएगी। जांच के दौरान हमारे audiologist और ENT doctors आपको उचित सलाह देंगे और आपके सभी सवालों के जवाब भी देंगे।

अभी खुद को रजिस्टर करे या Toll-Free Number +91-9327901950 डायल करें। ऑफर सीमित समय तक…

Is tinnitus a sort of hallucination?

Yes, tinnitus a sort of hallucination. A hallucination is a sensory experience problem. In which individual experience or fell those things which are not there. Sometimes if you have tinnitus. Then you may feel or hear things which is not really happening.

People who hear words, voices and entire dialogs in the absence of true hearing speech stimuli may be experiencing schizophrenia.

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Tinnitus or Hallucination, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

If you fell hallucination because of tinnitus as well as various other causes. Then you need immediately consult with your doctor or hearing expert to get relief. There is various type of hallucination.

If you’re like other folks, you probably think hallucinations have to do with seeing things that aren’t really there. It could mean you to feel something that doesn’t exist.

There are a number of different causes. It can be a mental illness called schizophrenia or a nervous system problem like Parkinson’s disease.

Different type of hallucination:

  • Auditory hallucination: It is a sense of hearing hallucination and also known as paracusia or paracusis.
  • Gustatory hallucination: Type of hearing hallucination that leads to the sense of taste.
  • Hypnagogic hallucination: hallucination as a dream at starting of sleep.
  • Hypnopompic hallucination: as a dream at the time. When people or individual is awakened.
  • Kinesthetic hallucination: It involves to sense of body movement.
  • Lilliputian hallucination: objects or individuals seems smaller than they really have.
  • Olfactory hallucination: firstly involves to sense of smell.
  • Somatic hallucination: the realization of physical experiences and also events happen with the body.
  • Tactile hallucination: It involves to sense of touch.
  • Visual hallucination: It is a hallucination that involves a sense of sight.

Musical hallucination (MH)

It is the experience of hearing music in the absence of any sound. The sound that no-one else can hear is quite common, but the experience is of a simple sound such as a buzzing, ringing, or sizzling: this kind of hearing sound is termed as tinnitus. In a small number of people, however, these kinds of experiences can be more complex as well as emotive, and music can be heard.

Sometimes this is better, and sometimes it is worse. But mostly if you are around crowds or etc. You will need earplugs.

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