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How do apraxia and dyspraxia differ?

Dyspraxia and Apraxia is the two medical condition of the brain. And these disorders make it difficult for the brain to decide and coordinate body movement. However, there a big difference between these two brain disorder. Let’s discuss the differences between the two:

Differences between Apraxia and Dyspraxia

Apraxia normally alludes to the loss of a motor function. This is frequently the outcome of a stroke or other sort of brain damage.

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Apraxia and Dyspraxia, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

Dyspraxia is a condition which occurs when an individual is born. That is the reason you can also call it as childhood dyspraxia.

Apraxia of speech also known as Childhood apraxia of speech or COS and people also get confused with it as Verbal dyspraxia. No matter whether you call it COS or Verbal dyspraxia, both terms describe the same issue. In this condition, the muscles of the face and the throat are impacted in a way that makes it difficult to speak. This condition can be by birth or can be acquired by a trauma to the brain.

Side Effects of dyspraxia

The side effect of dyspraxia is a problem in copying a particular sequence of movement. For example, A youngster with dyspraxia can be observed carefully as his specialist taps her fingers against her thumb in a specific order. However, when the specialist requested to repeat those movements in a similar order, he can’t.

Dyspraxia can affect different type of movement. This involves muscle movement need to talk. Dyspraxia can make it difficult for the brain to speak with oral-motor muscles.

Not all children have similar side effects. However, some experience difficulty saying sentences that stream well. It’s also basic for them to speak a similar word in various ways. Their speech can be hard for others to see—even individuals who know them well.

Different kinds of experts might probably use the term verbal dyspraxia. That is because of using as a part of key symptomatic manuals. One such manual is the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.

In any chance that your kid experiences problem movements, it’s a smart idea to chat with a specialist. The specialist helps kids with these issues.


Despite the healthy tissues of your body, Apraxia will resist them to target a set of muscles to perform the functions. It is a related neurological condition.

You may read: Symptoms of apraxia

There are different kinds of apraxia. However, in all of them, a signal sent from the brain does not have its intended effect. Below are some types of apraxia:

Limb-kinetic apraxia affects the hands and legs and makes it difficult to voluntarily wave or kick.

Ideomotor apraxia stops someone from responding to commands using appropriate movements.

Ideational apraxia obstructs a series of movements required to operate a tool or to perform a multi-step operation.

In Buccofacial apraxia, individuals are not able to whistle, wink or even cough voluntarily.

Oculomotor apraxia makes it difficult for a person to see or move their eyes properly.

A person with Dressing apraxia cannot understand the sequence required to wear clothes.

Construction apraxia which makes it difficult to draw or build things.

In both cases, it’s very important to have a diagnosis on an early stage so individuals can receive appropriate treatment which includes physical therapy and learning the coping strategies needed to achieve their full potential anywhere.

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