कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

Rs1400 की कान जांच नि:शुल्क (FREE)

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अगर ऐसा कुछ भी हो रहा है तो थोड़ी-सी भी लापरवाही आपको महंगी पड़ सकती है। आपका एक कान काम करना बंद कर सकता है या आप दोनों कानों से सुनने की क्षमता गंवा सकते हैं।

HearingSol एक विशेष अभियान के तहत लोगो की FREE कान की जांच और checkup कर रही है। यह जाँच अत्याधुनिक मशीनों से की जाएगी। जांच के दौरान हमारे audiologist और ENT doctors आपको उचित सलाह देंगे और आपके सभी सवालों के जवाब भी देंगे।

अभी खुद को रजिस्टर करे या Toll-Free Number +91-9327901950 डायल करें। ऑफर सीमित समय तक…

Can sneezing cause hearing loss?

The answer is “yes”. Generally sneezing is good for your body. If you restrict sneezing, it can cause sinus problem, middle and inner ear damage, and a ruptured eardrum. When you sneeze, a significant amount of pressure is released through the nasal cavity and your body is trying to get rid of an irritant in your nose. But if you hold a sneeze back, that pressurized air will need to go somewhere.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Sneezing or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

When you sneeze approx 100,000 germs fly out of your nasal canal at approximately 100 miles/hour. So, that’s why many people try to muffle those annoying “ahhh-choos” in public which is very harmful to the body.

According to a new BMJ Case Report, halting a sneeze by blocking the nostrils and mouth is a dangerous maneuver. In this BMJ report, it is also mentioned that not sneezing injured the tissue in the man’s throat.

There were two cases of inner ear injury that is caused by suppressed sneezing are described of sudden hearing loss. In the first case, a patient experienced vestigial symptoms in the form of reflexology vertigo that was relieved by a surgical section of the tensor tympani tendon. In the second case, the patient had a sudden severe permanent sensorineural hearing loss.

Dr. William Woodall (a Neurosurgeon) explains that just before sneezing. Some amount of air pressure is built in our lungs in preparation for clearing the irritants out of the nasal passages.

Air pressure is forced through the nasal cavity to the nasal passage. When you are holding your sneeze by pinching the nose or holding the mouth closed. This will force back the pressurized air into the middle ear cavity through the Eustachian tube. “A large number of sudden and severe sensorineural hearing loss, conductive hearing loss, and moreover vertigo are caused by this kind of trauma to the membranous structures of the middle and inner ear,” she says.

Symptoms of Hearing loss

Hearing loss that occurs gradually as you age (presbycusis) is common. About one-third of people in India between the ages of 65 and 75 have some degree of hearing loss. For those older than 75, that number is approximately 1 in 2. Signs and symptoms of hearing loss may include:

  • Avoidance of some social settings
  • Muffling of speech and other sounds
  • Difficulty understanding words, especially against background noise or in a crowd
  • Trouble hearing consonants
  • Withdrawal from conversations
  • Frequently asking others to speak more slowly, clearly and loudly
  • Needing to turn up the volume of the television or radio

When to See a Doctor

If you have a sudden loss of hearing, particularly in one ear, seek immediate medical attention.

Talk to your doctor if difficulty hearing is interfering with your daily life. Age-related hearing loss occurs gradually, so you may not notice it at first.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Sneezing or Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.


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