कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

Rs1400 की कान जांच नि:शुल्क (FREE)

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👉🏻 सरसराहट जैसी या फिर घंटी बजने जैसी आवाज़ सुनाई देती है?
👉🏻 कान में किसी तरह का दबाव महसूस होता है या कान लाल हो जाता है?
👉🏻 उसमें सूजन आ गई है या कान से तरल पदार्थ बहता है?

अगर ऐसा कुछ भी हो रहा है तो थोड़ी-सी भी लापरवाही आपको महंगी पड़ सकती है। आपका एक कान काम करना बंद कर सकता है या आप दोनों कानों से सुनने की क्षमता गंवा सकते हैं।

HearingSol एक विशेष अभियान के तहत लोगो की FREE कान की जांच और checkup कर रही है। यह जाँच अत्याधुनिक मशीनों से की जाएगी। जांच के दौरान हमारे audiologist और ENT doctors आपको उचित सलाह देंगे और आपके सभी सवालों के जवाब भी देंगे।

अभी खुद को रजिस्टर करे या Toll-Free Number +91-9327901950 डायल करें। ऑफर सीमित समय तक…

Can Medication Help in Treating The Symptoms of Autism?

There are many treatments available to treat Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Like, therapies, specialists, and medicines for autism. Medication used to treat autism is not a ‘cure’ for autism. But it can lessen some of the symptoms of autism.

Medicines for autism can help in reducing the following symptoms of autism-

  • Hyperactive behavior
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Seizures
  • Trouble sleeping

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Autism, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

Medications for treating the Symptoms of Autism

Autism medication list includes-

Hyperactive behavior

To help children with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The medications prescribed are Ritalin and Concerta. They can help in reducing hyperactive behavior in some, but not all.  These medicines might allow children to concentrate on a task for longer and think more before they act.

Major side effects of these medications are-

  • lower appetite.
  • hyperactive behavior.
  • repetitive behavior.
  • more anxiety.

Aggressive behavior

Aggressive behavior in children with autism can be reduced with the help of Risperidone. This medicine belongs to a group of medications called atypical antipsychotics.

Major side effects of this medicine are-

  • Gaining weight.
  • Drooling.
  • Feeling sleepy or tired.
  • Stiff arms or legs.


Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can help in reducing anxiety, depression. However, only Prozac is only prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration. It is for depression and for OCD also.

Its Side effects include- trouble sleeping, irritable or nervous feelings, sick feelings, and tummy pain.


Some people with autism have a lot of seizures. Generally, about one-third of people with autism have seizures at some stage in their life. But this problem can be treated effectively with anti-epilepsy medication. Which anti-epilepsy medicine to choose for your child will depend on the type of seizures your child has.

Side effects of an anti-epilepsy medicine are-

  • Sleepiness.
  • Tummy troubles.
  • Behavior changes.
  • Trouble sleeping.

They are treated with

  • Tegretol (carbamazepine).
  • Lamictal (lamotrigine).
  • Topamax (topiramate).
  • Depakote (valproic acid).

Melatonin helps you to maintain your circadian rhythm. A circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour clock. It helps to control when you fall asleep, how long you sleep and when you wake up. Melatonin can help people having sleeping problems. It can also help children with autism having sleep difficulties.

Major side effects of Melatonin include headaches and nausea.

Things to consider

Every child on the autism spectrum is not the same. Therefore, not all medicines for autism work in the same way for all children. Your doctor will help you to find a medication and dose that works for your child. You should talk with a doctor about how often a child has to take medicine, how effective it will be, and other things you want to discuss. Always talk to your doctor for starting and stopping a medicine.


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