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Are your ears prepared for spring?

The spring season is full of joy. The joy of feeling the warmth of the sun on our skin for the first time during the spring season is wonderful. The spring season brings temperature erratic shifts, rain and, seasonal allergies along with itself and all of this can be complicated for your ears if not handled properly.

Winters melting into spring always let you experience changes. New seasons showers so much of love on you by bringing so many things like blooming flowers, the smell of wet grass and the bird songs we miss in the winter.

If you need more information or you have a question regarding Ear Problems or Hearing Loss, you can discuss it with our HearingSol healthcare professionals, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

Anything and everything has two sides one is good and another is not so good. Like changes in the season also brings changes in the temperature and air pressure that can be hard on your ears and contribute to hearing loss.

Effect of spring in the Inner ear

With changing the weather, the barometric pressure drops rapidly, that means the pressure outside your ears goes down before the pressure inside your ears can acclimate.

The result is a pressure imbalance, which can cause a sensation of fullness or pop in the ears. Seasonal allergy sufferers can experience this even more intensely.

Meniere’s disease can make irritating symptoms even worse in the Springtime. The chambers of the inner ear can bulge and the fluid may back up. Difficulty hearing and discomfort, as well as vertigo or tinnitus, may sometimes result from this build-up.

Our inner contains a fluid and that fluid is very much sensitive. Because of the difference between the barometric pressure of inner and outer ear that happens during springtime. When the barometric pressure outside the ear drops down rapidly, then it means that the inner side of your ear cannot assimilate with that pressure of the outer ear so fastly.

The result of which causes a pressure imbalance that results in the sensation of fullness and popping into the ears.

Seasonal Allergies

Sneezing and sinus pressure can also impact from seasonal allergies and add pressure to the inner ear. Seasonal allergies affect 40% of children and between 10 and 30% of adults. Up to 60 million Americans experience sneezing ear pressure, sinus pressure, water ice, and itchiness. These mentioned symptoms can affect hearing temporarily.

Ear pressure can be temporarily eased with non-prescription medications such as antihistamines and decongestants. A Sensible diet and Moderate Exercise often improve these symptoms.

Spring-time and Hearing Aids

Wetter, warmer weather may also affect the functionality of your hearing aids. Your hearing aids care and maintenance during this time of year may also require more attention.

The microphone ports can sometimes get blocked by matter such as bee pollen. Proper cleaning of your hearing aids is important, and be sure to replace the mic port covers when needed. Make sure your hearing aids stay dry when going out in wet or humid weather can prevent issues.

Coping of stuffy ears

The people who have hearing problems should maintain their ears properly during the spring season. To get the relief from the excess fluid caused by the allergies one can try over-the-counter antihistamines or decongestants. The other ways that can reduce the building up of fluid are exercising, eating fruits, eating a low sodium diet and, eating vegetables that act as diuretics grapes, celery, watermelon, asparagus and, bell papers. All these vegetables will help you to reduce fluid inside the inner ear.

So the permanent hearing loss can cause due to continuous pressure in the middle ear. So if there are any symptoms of hearing loss, then I will suggest going to the doctor who will diagnose your problem and tell if there is anything serious or not.

Not only the feeling of fullness and popping inside the ear can cause due to the change in barometric pressure. It can also cause conductive hearing loss in which the sound the prevented from traveling to the cochlea. The eustachian tube also does not function properly due to an excessive fluid. The bacteria also thrive due to excessive fluid.

The impact of moisture on Hearing Aid

The people who wear a hearing aid faces lots of problem in the spring season. They will have to pay more attention to maintaining and upkeeping the hearing machines because of the weather changing and rise in allergens. So the hearing aids should be cleaned regularly because allergens can clog microphone ports. And also replace the covers of the mic ports when it is required.

The moisture is the enemy of hearing aids because it causes the build up in the tubing that can damage the microphone and receiver that causes static.


Ensure that hearing aids work properly when the weather changes. If the pressure in your ears is left untreated or if you suspect hearing loss, make sure to see a hearing health care professional. So that you can enjoy for years the beautiful sound of springtime.

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