कान के मरीज़ों को HearingSol का तोहफ़ा

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अगर ऐसा कुछ भी हो रहा है तो थोड़ी-सी भी लापरवाही आपको महंगी पड़ सकती है। आपका एक कान काम करना बंद कर सकता है या आप दोनों कानों से सुनने की क्षमता गंवा सकते हैं।

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What are some common misconceptions of mild hearing loss?

Sometimes an individual with low audibility is unaware of their hearing loss. Here are some common misconceptions of mild hearing loss.

The mild misnomer

Mild hearing losses are clouded by the misnomer which is used to classify the levels of hearing impairment. The term ‘mild’ suggests a little problem in hearing, means when an individual has a little problem in hearing resulting in a low priority for rehabilitation and amplification on the part of the patient, the consequences of which can be very high.

You can purchase the latest hearing aids at a fair price through HearingSol, If you need more information or you have a query about Hearing Aid or Mild Hearing Loss, just give us a call on +91-9327901950. We are always here to help you.

In reality, individuals with a less auditory range often experience difficulties understanding speech especially when some peoples talking around them or have noise around him/her.

The mild terminology is confusing because important speech sounds are inaudible with mild hearing loss. People with light hearing loss are more likely to hear some sounds.

If you have a mild hearing loss, the most difficult sounds of speech – consonant sounds such as “F” and “Th” or “K” and “P” – can be lost during a conversation. That means it will be difficult for you to differentiate between words clearly. For example, the word “death” can be heard like “deaf”. Background noise that is distracting or soft-spoken conversation with a partner, and mild hearing loss can also face major challenges.

Symptoms of low audibility include:

  • Difficulty in understanding words, especially in some noise.
  • Having difficulty in hearing consonants.
  • Asking others to speak slowly, clearly and loudly.

The term ‘mild’ suggests a little problem in hearing, means when an individual has a little problem in hearing resulting in a low priority for rehabilitation and amplification on the part of the patient, the consequences of which can be very high.

In other words, the mild hearing loss is the misnomer. Mild hearing losses do not have mild results. A consequence of low audibility can reduced audibility resulting in reduced speech intelligibility but especially in noise and over distance. Many people sometimes with low audibility are unaware of their hearing loss.

With hearing loss, listening, and understanding of what someone says require more work to understand especially in the presence of noise. Hearing-impaired people report increased concentration effort, attention and focus, compared to the people without hearing loss.

It is imperative, that the audiologist always tries to understand the person in front of him or her to be able to help them efficiently and provide the best possible service.

People with mild hearing losses are unaware of their hearing loss –

There are considerably more people with mild hearing losses as compared to people with moderate, severe and intense hearing losses. Despite that, within the group of hearing-impaired. people with mild hearing losses are the least to own hearing aids. There are many reasons, one being that many people with a mild impairment are not aware of their hearing loss.

How to Test for Mild Hearing Loss

A hearing test is set up to establish a degree of hearing loss so that how loud a sound needs to be played for the person to hear it. The test sound seems at different frequencies- high pitch, low pitch, etc. To establish a degree of hearing loss at different frequencies.

A hearing test is available for all type of hearing loss, It only takes a few minutes, and your results are immediate. The result will then indicate whether you should take further action to stop hearing loss.

Psychosocial consequences of a hearing loss:

  • Withdrawal in order to avoid embarrassment, misunderstandings, and inappropriate responses.
  • Frustration level increases for the hearing impaired person.
  • Loss of long-distance contact with friends and family due to fatigue because of the long phone conversations.
  • Always lives with the fear of losing independence, e.g. if the hearing-impaired person is elderly and suffering from additional handicaps.
  • Fear of losing the work responsibilities, like in the workplace.


It is essential that the audiologist tries to understand the person in front of her/him to be able to provide the best possible service and to help them better.

Communication strategies can be used as the treatment to improve hearing aid benefit. They help the user of hearing aid to take responsibility for the treatment, which increases chances of success.

If you think that your child or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of hearing loss or symptoms, then there is no time to delay you. For the right guidance and consultation of health care professionals, a world of better hearing in waiting for those suffering from hearing loss.

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